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Safety Training

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Training Services

Safeguarding Operations

At Riskout Solutions Limited, our safety training program ensures that all employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to maintain a secure work environment in the oil and gas and maritime industries.

Introduction to Safety Protocols

Covers the fundamental principles of workplace safety, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a secure work environment.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Equips employees with the skills to identify potential hazards in their work environments and assess associated risks.

Emergency Response Procedures

Provides training on how to respond effectively to various emergencies, including fire, spills, medical incidents, and evacuation drills.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Educates employees on the selection, proper use, and maintenance of personal protective equipment necessary for their roles.

Ensuring Workplace Safety

Safety training is paramount to instilling a culture of safety consciousness and preparedness among all personnel. Through comprehensive training modules covering topics such as hazard identification, emergency response procedures, and proper use of personal protective equipment, employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to mitigate risks and respond effectively to potential dangers.

Inspection, audits, and checklists

Save time and paper by digitizing any process, procedure or policy. Capture data and share reports instantly.


Onboard faster and upskill team members on the job. Create courses in minutes and keep a record of completion.


Gain total visibility with a digital register of your asset's history and upcoming activity in one place.

Issue Reporting

Reduce time to resolution by capturing observations, near misses, hazards, or incidents in real-time.


Streamline workflows and get the job done with seamless task assignment with actions.


keep team in the know with engaging video message and know who got the message with heads up.


Riskout Solutions . . .

Integrity, Transparency & Accountability.